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Billing for Walk-In Flu Clinic

Describes how to bill for the flu shot.


OSCAR has developed an easy billing function for special walk-in Flu Shot clinics to eliminate the need to book an appointment or search for the billing code.

From the Appointment Screen

  1. Click on the ‘SEARCH’ tab
  2. Search for the patient in the normal way by typing in part of the patient’s name and press ENTER. Click on the Demographic ID of the correct patient
  3. Click on the ‘Flu Billing’ link under the "Billing" heading on the left side of the Patient’s Master Demographic record.
  4. The program will automatically default to the diagnostic code 896 for flu shot & the service code G591A for Flu Shot without previous appointment
  5. Clicking ‘SUBMIT’ will immediately bill the patient for the flu shot
  • You can also click "Submit & Go to Prevention", which brings up the oscarPrevention screen so you can document the vaccination and save it in the patient's E-Chart.


The flu report allows you to print a report to track the amount of flu shots done in the clinic for statistical reasons and for confirmation of the Ministry bonus for Primary Health Care.

See Chapter 9 for details on how to create and print a flu billing report.


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