The Process
Describes the billing process for Ontario users.
Doctors input billing in OSCAR after seeing patient
- Biller checks for unbilled appointments and prints a report for each doctor to bill
OHIP Simulation
- Run OHIP Simulation, check billing for any billing entry errors before creating and sending OHIP invoice
Submitting Invoice to OHIP
- Flag any needed invoices for Manual Review and send supporting document with OHIP disks
- Send digital billing invoice of all FFS, PCN & WSIB encounters for each doctor to OHIP weekly
- Create digital invoice reports for each doctor & OHIP digital file format.
- File digital invoice & invoice reports on server (in directory for each submission date)
Print Invoice Summary and file & submit Invoice to MOH
Invoice Submission to MINISTRY OF HEALTH - OHIP
Machine-readable Error Reports Received from MOH
Correct billing & Version Code errors received from MOH & resubmit invoice to OHIP
- Find patient name & phone number in OSCAR & call patient for new Version Code
- Update information in OSCAR & re-save invoice for resubmission to OHIP
Error Reports Corrected & Re-Submitted to MOH - OHIP
10th - 14th of Month: RA - Remittance Advice Received from OHIP
- Receive digital file from OHIP (shows detailed report of paid encounters & payment amount for each doctor)
- Reconcile to OSCAR program
- Correct any billing errors
- Mark file for billing archive
- Archive partial payments from MOH by changing the ‘Billing Type’ to ‘S - Settled/ Paid by OHIP’
- Run the RA report generator
- Make adjustments to partial payments
- File digital copy of RA reports on server
18th of Month Submission to MINISTRY OF HEALTH - OHIP Month End
- Send month end submission to OHIP for next month’s RA payment
- TIME SENSITIVE: must be in by 5 p.m. on the 18th of each month
Revenue Reports To Doctors
Print the UNSETTLED REPORT to check on invoices submitted to the MOH, but not paid
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