Personal tools

Internet Resources - Knowledge Search

The menu bar to the left of the patient’s Electronic Chart gives you easy access to the other parts of the chart and other resources while you are in this area. Some features add various documents to the patient’s electronic chart, other areas give you access to clinical resources and Internet resources without ever leaving the E-Chart area.

You can search the Internet for current medical information about the patient’s problems directly from the ENCOUNTER screen


  1. Type the terms you would like to search into the text box.
  2. Click on the drop down menu under the ‘using..’ box to choose your search engine (Google, Pubmed, Medline Plus, search engines)
    NOTE: OSCAR Search takes you to the OscarResource database
  3. Hold down the SHIFT key and press ENTER to launch into the search engine - another window will pop up with your search on the internet.
  • You can also search words found in a patient's Encounter notes.  With your mouse, highlight the word you wish to search, then click the "Search" button.


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