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Drug Warnings

You have received an email message from Health Canada or FDA announcing a warning for a drug; or you just attended a conference on drug therapeutics and learned a few things on how to avoid problems using certain drugs. How do you keep track of this new knowledge? And how can you use this knowledge just when you need it - when prescribing to your patients at the point of care? With MyDrugRef you can! Here is how:

Assuming you have logged in to, click the (+) next to Warnings on the title bar.

You can search a drug using its Brand Name or as Generic (which is the same as the Ingredient). MyDrugRef will find all the drugs and all the drug dosages and forms which share the same ATC code and present them on the search result list.You can type in any sequence of letters that is part of the spelling of a drug. For example, you can type "prazole" for Generic Drug name to look for all PPIs because the ingredient chemical names of PPI drugs (but they all have different ATC codes) all end with these letters:

A02BC03  Lansoprazole 
A02BC05  Esomeprazole 
A02BC01  Omeprazole 
A02BC02  Pantoprazole 

You can add as many search items to the list of drugs which share the same warning message. The Drug ATC Warnng message should be short and concise as it will appear as a warning alert in the OSCAR Prescribing Module when you attempt to prescribe the drug. The color of the warning message box will be determined by what you choose in the Significance selection:


Your selection of Evidence will be determined by your reference. In general:

Good=from RCT studies
Fair=from case control/cohort studies
Poor=expert or your own opinion!

Don't forget, this being a social networking site, other people will comment on your posting

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