Personal tools

User Preferences

Edit your signature and view/edit provider groups.



Use this feature to edit the signature on the Prescription writing forms

  1. In the appointment screen, click the ‘Preference’ tab
  2. Click on the ‘Edit Signature’ link at the bottom of the window
  3. The top line tells you what you are signed in now
  4. Click on the “here” link to display a text box
  5. Type in your desired signature into the text box and click on the ‘submit’ button
  6. Click on the X to close the next 2 windows

NOTE: If you haven’t yet created a signature, you should see the text, “You do not have a Signature set”


Customize your appointment screen view by creating a group of people that you will be working with.

  1. Click on the Preference Tab
  2. Click on the hyperlink “(view/edit) Group No”

To add a person to an existing group

  1. Note the name of the group to which you want to add a name
  2. Go to the bottom of the window
  3. Click on the New Group/Add a Member button
  4. Type in the name of the group in the box at the top of the screen
  5. Click the check box beside the person’s name that you want to add to the group
  6. At the bottom of the window, click SAVE

To create a new group

  1. Go to the bottom of the window
  2. Click on New Group/Add a Member button
  3. Type in the name you want the group to be called in the box at the top of the screen
  4. Click the check box beside each name that you want to add to the group
  5. At the bottom of the window, click SAVE

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