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Creating a Registration Intake & General Forms

Instructions on how to create forms for your instance.

CAISI Intake Editor Users Guide



The Editor is a function within the CAISI software, on the Program Management Module side, that will allow you to alter the intake form to cater to the data collection needs of your agency.  Using the standard intake form provided in CAISI, it is possible to edit the detailed intake form to reflect the types of questions you want answered and to have on record for a client’s file, as well as though questions deemed mandatory.



Log into CAISI (please make sure you have been assigned to the role of ‘Admin’ within your CAISI role definition: please visit ‘Add Role to Provider’ under Admin tab on main-page). 


From the OSCAR main-page, select ‘Program’:

Click here



You are now in the Program Management Module. In the left hand navigation column, you will notice a section for Administration.  Beneath this you will notice a title of Editor:

Editor function




Select ‘Intake Form Editor’ from the left hand navigation menu:

Click here




You will now find yourself within the Intake Editor screen.


There are four basic functions you will use within the Intake Editor. We will expand in the following sections.









Adding New Information to the Intake

The +/ - function works to add or remove a section, or add a question within a section.


Add a new section entirely


Add a question/answer to an existing section



Once you have clicked on the large +/- icon, the following will appear:


Insert the title for the section you wish to create.  When you have finished, click ‘Add’.

Click Add




The newly created section will appear at the bottom of the form.  Scroll down using the arrow on the right hand side of the screen.  This section is meant to be used as a general section for which sub-sections can follow.

Newly added section


Use to scroll to bottom



By selecting the +/- symbol the right of the new section, you will control the subsections and questions/choices to appear in that section. Select this icon and the following will appear:







Click here to produce this pop-up window



You can then choose from six options of how you would like your intake information presented.  Let us assume that we will have multiple sub-sections within this one “Test Section”.  As such, we will add in a label under “Label Text”.  We will also want to select “question”.  If you did not want to add subsections, you could continue by using the +/- sign beside ‘Test Section’. You can leave this subsection as a title or structure it as an actual question.

Select ‘question’ and insert text




Once you have completed this, we can use the +/- icon beside our subsection title.  This will allow us to select one of the ways to present our intake questions. 

Selecting ‘question’ will again produce only a question:



Let’s say we want to learn if our clients like apples.  We can enter that in the ‘Label Text’.  The result will be as follows:

See here



From here we can select different ways of responding to this question.  We will go through each of these below.







Select the +/- icon beside the question “Do you like apples?”. Then select “answer scalar choice”.  Since this is an option that will produce boxes that you can select based on the applicable answer, let us make two answers, ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ (when creating your own intake you can create as many answers as you would like).

Input answer choice here, then hit ‘Add’


Select scalar choice



To add multiple fields, you will have to reselect the +/- icon each time beside “Do you like apples?” and enter all your different choices in the ‘Label Text’ field. The result should be as follows:

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