2.4.4 eReferral
OSCAR is able to communicate with other EMR system using the standard HL7 messaging protocol. If the consultant/facility you are referring to is able to accept HL7 messages you can:
(1) make a referral via the Internet directly:
video tutorial
- eReferral MP4 (12.4MB); OGG format (6.5MB); YouTube
(2) You can also send data/files directly to this facility:
video tutorial
- eData: send text and files to another OSCAR system MP4 (14.2MB); OGG format (5.4MB); YouTube
(3) You can also send encounter notes directly:
video tutorial
- Key
pair generation MP4 (11.1 MB); OGG
format (4.6MB); YouTube
Details of setting up HL7 communication can be found in the developer's section.
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