1.10 Transferring Patient Records
Transferring Patient Records
- If the clinic you are sending the chart to is also OSCAR (or CMS 4.0 compliant in ON), then you could use the built-in chart export module.
- If the clinic you are sending the chart to is not (yet) running OSCAR, then do what we usually do, and do a PDF formatted chart export
If you don't know you can do both on the same CD
If you are running Ubuntu you already have all the software you need to
do this. If you are running Windows XP you need to first download and
install the following free programs:
- An open source disk burning program: http://infrarecorder.org/?page_id=5 (don't click on the Google banner add at the top by accident)
- A "print to PDF" utility: http://www.cutepdf.com/products/cutepdf/writer.asp
- A secure deleting or "shredding" utility: http://fileshredder.org/
- Open eChart / Encounter Screen for relevant patient
- Click on the little print icon on the bottom right, make sure the
"all" radio button is selected, click 'print". This creates an text
search-able PDF file of all the information in the text scroll. Save
this PDF file to your desktop with file name "John Doe old OSCAR
progress notes"
- Click on the DOCUMENTS header to open the Document management system,
check all the boxes on the left hand side next to all the documents,
click "combine PDFs". This creates a single image PDF file for all the
chart attachments. Save to desktop with file name "John Doe old OSCAR
chart attachments"
- Lab Results. There is no facility to open those altogether
in one PDF, so you have to do them individually. Alternatively you
could select the "grid display" option (hover mouse pointer over the
plus sign) and "print-to-PDF" that
- E-forms: If you entered any patient info in eForms, then you need to
open each one of those and "print to PDF"
- Flow-sheets; You could print-to-PDF those too to make it pretty, but
the information in them is already documented in the text scroll
- Prescriptions: You can open the prescription view, click on "print"
at the top, and then "show all" at the bottom of the list, and then
"print" button at the top again. Print to PDF. However, if the doctors click "print
& submit" every time they prescribe then the
info is already in the text scroll. Depends if you want
to make it nice
- In Ubuntu, all you do is stick a blank CD in the drive, drag all the
above information into the window that opens automatically and click
"burn to CD".
- In Windows you need to use Infra-recorder you installed above. The
GUI is VERY easy to use and intuitive.
- Label CD correctly with sharpie marker, stick in addressed CD
envelope marked confidential, and stick in the mail
DESTINATION CLINIC will then open the CD and attach all the the PDFs
you made to the patient chart in whatever EMR system they are using, or
they can just print them out. Those that send CD's get frequent comments from other
clinics that they like the fact that they don't have to deal with a
stack of paper that has to be scanned and uploaded.
DELETE INFO OFF YOUR NETWORK PC: You don't want patient files lying
around on your network. Make sure you delete all the patient
information off the network computer you burnt the CD with. And then be
sure to "shred" the files in your recycle bin. (Ubuntu users can use
"BleachBit" or the Nautilus plugin)
Have fun burning CDs.
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