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You are here: Home / OSCAR EMR 12.x / 2.0 Clinical Functions / 2.1 Electronic Medical Charts / 2.1.1 Accessing the Encounter Screen

2.1.1 Accessing the Encounter Screen

Describes how to access the encounter screen for a patient. Note that the Encounter Screen is not usually accessible to those with receptionist permissions.

    Surname,Given |E|B|M|Rx|Me.       

From The Appointment Window

  1. Click on the E for Electronic Chart to the right of the patient’s name
  2. The Encounter window will pop up with the patient’s name in the top bar
  3. Click on white areas (all fields) and type additional information


  1. Click the Search tab at the top of the appointment screen
  2. Type in last name (or other piece of patient information such as chart number) and click search.
  3. Click on the demographic number of the desired patient to pull up the patient's detail record
  4. Click on "E-Chart" under the heading "Clinical Modules" in the left-hand navigation bar.


  1. Click on the M for Master Demographic to the right of the patient's name
  2. The Master Demographic page will open for the patient
  3. Click on "E-Chart" under the heading "Clinical Modules" in the left-hand navigation bar.

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