2.1.1 Accessing the Encounter Screen
Describes how to access the encounter screen for a patient. Note that the Encounter Screen is not usually accessible to those with receptionist permissions.
Surname,Given |E|B|M|Rx|Me.
From The Appointment Window
- Click on the E for Electronic Chart to the right of the patient’s name
- The Encounter window will pop up with the patient’s name in the top bar
- Click on white areas (all fields) and type additional information
- Click the Search tab at the top of the appointment screen
- Type in last name (or other piece of patient information such as chart number) and click search.
- Click on the demographic number of the desired patient to pull up the patient's detail record
- Click on "E-Chart" under the heading "Clinical Modules" in the left-hand navigation bar.
- Click on the M for Master Demographic to the right of the patient's name
- The Master Demographic page will open for the patient
- Click on "E-Chart" under the heading "Clinical Modules" in the left-hand navigation bar.
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