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2.8.1 oscarPrevention

oscarPrevention keeps track of the most common procedures that help prevent disease in a patient. These include vaccines and common tests (ex. Flu shots and PAP smears).
11x Preventions List


  • If the prevention is red, the patient is missing information on an important prevention. 
  • If the prevention link is purple the result is pending.
  • If the prevention link is yellow the patient is ineligible.
  • a blue prevention is up to date or optional

Clicking on the prevention link will reveal what information is needed.



11x Oscar Prevention


The main oscarPrevention screen can be accessed from the patient’s Encounter screen. Click the “prevention” link under the heading “Clinical Modules” from the left-hand menu.



Mammography prevention documentation


  1. Click on the test/vaccination that you wish to document. For an explanation of the abbreviations, hover over the prevention.
  2. Select the date from the calendar next to the Date text box. Select whether the prevention was Completed, Refused, or Ineligible.
  3. Fill out the rest of the information about the prevention. You can set the date of the next prevention, with the option of not being reminded of it. Click ‘Save’.

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