1.10 What to do with Power Failures
Power Supply Failures for the 21st century family doctors office
This is a draft document to help family doctors create the equivalent of the 72hour Canada http://www.72hourcanada.com/ for our offices. Fortunately the most frequent event is only a temporary power failure and this is the focus of this document.
Solutions came from the OSCAR user group.
Server solutions:
1. Battery backups for servers (low power motherboards, Solid State Hard Drives) and modem/router.
2. UPS on the server will work for 30 minutes or so.
3. Generator. This wont be used often. It needs servicing and a special connection to the power supply for the server and any other essential equipment such as the vaccine fridge.
Use laptops to access OSCAR, Macbook Pro's for staff and Macbook airs for doctors or ipads should keep going for 6 hours.
Use LED flashlights for the day in the clinic
Phones usually work fine because they draw power from the phone line.
Have a portable battery powered inkjet for prescriptions
For the office have use LED flashlights
Have a battery-operated ophthalmoscope and auroscope.
Other considerations:
There are many parameters associated with selecting a suitable solution for power outage: the number of patients, the length of outage, and the frequency of power failure would impact the solution significantly, much more deciding what OS should run on the computers. consider for example:
- UPS for power outage less than 2 hours.
- Office shutdown for outage more than one shift and less than 3 shifts
(24 hrs) if emergency is covered.
- Paper backup for outage more than 48 hrs, but less than 3-4 times a
- Solar panel for more than 72hrs or more than 5 times a year of outage
that lasts more than 24 hrs at a time
- Diesel operated Generators if sound and fumes can be isolated, for
outage more than 3 hrs and more than 3 times per month
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