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1.4.8 Correcting Billing Errors

Describes how to correct billing errors for Ontario users.


The Machine Readable Error Reports will arrive about a week after a disk goes in to the MOH. These are errors that the OHIP computer rejects because it does not meet certain criteria. It is as if these bills have never been received by OHIP. For this reason, it is important to correct the errors and re-submit to OHIP for payment.

What to do with the ‘Machine Readable Error Report’: - Correct the billing errors & re-submit (‘Correcting a Billing Encounter’) - Call patients to correct Version Codes & re-submit the outstanding encounters


From the Appointment Screen

  1. Click on the ‘SEARCH TAB’
  2. Type in the patient’s name & (enter)
  3. Click on the patient’s demographic number to pull up their ‘PATIENT’S DETAIL RECORD’
  4. Call the patient to get the new version code, if it has not already been changed.
  5. Changes to the version code are done in the box beside HIN
  6. Click ‘UPDATE’ when finished
  7. After Version Code errors have been corrected, the encounter also needs to be resubmitted in the ‘Billing Correction’ function in the Administration Screen.


In Admin View

  1. Under ‘BILLING’, click on ‘BILLING CORRECTION’
  2. Type the invoice number in the top box & (enter)
  3. The invoice is pulled up as it was sent to the MOH
  4. Make the billing correction
  5. Change the ‘BILL TYPE to ‘O’ for ‘Bill OHIP’
  6. Click on ‘SUBMIT’ to re-calculate the billing correction and mark the invoice to be re-submitted with the next MOH disk or EDT
  7. Click ‘SUBMIT’ again if the invoice is correct
  8. Click either ‘Correct Another One’ or ‘Close this Window’

The ‘SUBMIT’ button must be pressed to re-calculate any corrections made to the Schedule of Benefits

  • Changes to the version code in the ‘Patient’s Detail Record’ will be automatically pulled through to the new bill when you click on the ‘SUBMIT’ button

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