Personal tools

4.14.1 Online Booking

This section will describe various options for online booking and confirmation of appointments.

Oscar Self-Booking

There is a Self-Booking solution written for Oscar and available for download at /self-book

Note: The Appointment 'Confirm' or 'Cancel' by email is part of the Self-Booking system, but can be used independently for clinics who do NOT want patients to Self-Book, but still want them to be able to confirm by emails.


How it works:

Oscar provides a number of Web Services that can be used by external applications. Entering 'ws' after the URL will list the available services.

Eg. https:<your oscar URL>/ws



What they do:

Typically, the app will ask the patient for certain information, then connect to Oscar and locate available time slots. The available time slots are usually based on the information the patient entered. ie. Walk-In vs Annual Checkup, Type of appointment, Selected physician, etc.


The app could then send an email or text message to the patient with a 'Confirm' or 'Cancel' option, which would be used to change the state of the Appointment in Oscar.


When the patient arrives, the app or a kiosk would confirm that they are in the office, and could be optionally used to update or confirm their demographic information.

Information about the Oscar Kiosk is located at 4.9.2 OSCAR Kiosk


Available 3rd party solutions:

(Note: These solutions are listed in alphabetic order.)



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