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Introduction to the OSCAR Data Integrator project

The OSCAR Data Integrator project began as an enterprise solution to sharing patient data between CAISI (Toronto Homeless Shelter) agencies. The project put a lot of work in protecting patient privacy. It has gone through Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) and Security Threat Assessment (TSA), and was also presented to the Ontario privacy commissioner to obtain additional feedback. It is currently being used for two key processes:

(1) To provide real time integration of patient data at the point of care.

(2) To provide important anonymized statistics for the entire Homeless Shelter project hourly to inform service providers as well as policy makers.


In 2010, the Data Integrator project was adopted by the McMaster team for the CLERE project (Comparable Learning Experiences for Residents in Expansion Sites). It is now possible for OSCAR sites to share data without having to enable the entire case management (CAISI) functionality.


Brief introduction to the architectural design of the OSCAR Data Integrator:


Integrator Component Diagram



Integrator Component Diagram.gif

Integrator Process



Integrator Process Diagram.gif

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