4.7.3 "in name" Demographic Search
As it is now, Oscar returns last names beginning with the given search string when we search in demographics. Sometimes it is necessary to provide functionality for "in name" searches
NOTE ONTARIO USERS - NOT FOR YOU as of OSCAR 12 (Ontario MD CMS 4 certified version) any modifications to certified code risks invalidating the installation as being able to attract subsidy in Ontario.
For "in name" searches as suggested by Darius
The instructions were specific for 10_12 RC1 but the line numbers hold for Oscar11 and Oscar12
Edit the file
(line 285)
Find the line which reads
`keyword="^"+keyword;' change it to
Find the line a little later (line 294) which reads
`param[1]=".*"+keyword.substring(index+1).trim();' change it to
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