3.2 Appointment Screen
Appointment Screen for Mobile
The appointment screen has a simplified interface
- The Menu button gives you the option to search for a patient or logout
- The Today button returns the appointment screen to today's date
- The Calender Link lets you navigate to another date
- Alternately clicking on the red arrows will advance the calendar one day at a time
- The hours will allow you to book appointments
- The demographic eg Pierre Trudeau will allow for editing that appointment
- The 'E' link will open the patients chart (encounter form)
- The 'M' link will open the patients master demographic record
Search for the demographic using name or a number of other fields including
- address
- Date of Birth
- Chart number
Clicking on the demographic number after the search
OR clicking on the M link in the appointment screen gets you read access to the Master Demographic Record
Editing Appointments
Clicking on a demographics name will open up a Appointment Details screen.
Clicking on Edit will give you a screen to update the appointment
Making Appointments for Mobile
To make an appointment simply click on the desired time slot in the mobile appointment screen and fill the following information
Usually all you need to do is to type a few letters of the relevant demographic under the Last Name: and searching
When found click Add
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