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Creating videos using Fedora 12


This is an initial draft of how some of the first video tutorials were made. This is by no means the best way to accomplish the task. This is just a starting point. If anyone finds a better way to achieve the objective, or better settings, or better programs, please amend this documentation so everyone else knows.

Over view of settings
These are basic settings and concepts which should be applied regardless of the actual application you're using
- use a low fps while recording like 10 to 15 fps
- use mono for audio since it's just dialog anyways
- only record a small portion of the screen, say roughly 800x600
- output to 2 formats, ogg/ogv and mp4/h.264
- try to keep it to 5 minutes, definitely less than 10 minutes, make multiple videos if it takes too long.

Fedora 12
The initial system I made the first videos on were Fedora 12 so this information is specific to fedora 12 but may help as a starting point for others.

Recording the Desktop
For recording the desktop, "recordMyDesktop" or "gtk-recordMyDesktop" was used and seemed to be the simplest at the time. Istanbul is another option but it seemed to have problems keeping a good frame rate. What I did was resize my browser window to roughly 800x600 and recorded only that portion of the desktop. On the settings screen I had turned both video and sound quality to 90% to help reduce the file sizes. Under the advanced options, under Performance I set the frame rate to 12fps (12 because of pitivi later). Under the sound tab make sure your audio is 1 channel / mono.

Video Editing
For video editing I used "pitivi". The video editing stage serves 2 purposes for me.
1) when I make a mistake in the tutorial I can stop and continue recording, and then cut and attach the segments in pitivi.
2) it has some easy encoding options so I can do some simple quality settings for encoding.

When you're done editing and you export, these were the export settings I used.
  • video output / custom : 800x600 12fps (12 fps is the lowest we could get, 5fps is sufficient but not selectable)
  • audio output / custom : mono, 22khz, 8bit
  • container : Ogg Muxer / oggmux
  • audio codec : vorbisenc
  • video codec : theoraenc
This should produce a relatively small video that's now edited together as one movie in ogg/ogv format.

More Encodings
I used ffmpeg on the resulting edited ogg file to convert to pretty much any other format you want. The example here is to mp4/h.264
"ffmpeg -i my_video.ogg my_video.mp4"


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