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2.3.2 Available Forms

Provides a list of the forms that are available. These are enabled in the Admin section. The selection of forms varies slightly by jurisdiction. Most forms should be self explanatory, some of the more complex forms are documented here. Antenatal Forms
There are numerous antenatal forms for Ontario and BC. The most evolved antenatal form is ON AR Enhanced which has decision support "baked in" Paediatrics Forms
Paediatric Forms, including Rourke and Growth Charts
Congestive Heart Failure
A form to follow patients with CHF. It has all the elements required in Ontario for billing the CHF chronic disease management fee code.
Health Passport
The BC Health Passport can be used in any province to print to card-stock or regular paper for a patient to keep their CPP
Lab Requisition Forms
Shows a sample lab requisition form. For provider view only.
11x Rourke 2009 page 1
Congetive Heart Failure Management
OAN1 as generated by Oscar
OAN2 as generated by Oscar
Lab Req 2010 pdf view
Lab Req 2010 form view
Health Passport Form
Page 1 BC Health Passport

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