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You are here: Home / OSCAR EMR 12.x / 2.0 Clinical Functions / 2.3 Forms / 2.3.1 Forms Introductions and Directions

2.3.1 Forms Introductions and Directions

Modern medicine is increasingly form based. Oscar provides a number of forms that the admin and user can configure for use. Oscar also provides the facility for end users to make their own (e)forms that they can share with other users and Oscar installations. Between the built in forms and sophisticated eForms that users can make your needs to fill forms, and document their use, are simplified.

Forms Overview


  • Abbreviated form names can appear on the appointment screen to be referenced directly, eg the Ontario Antenatal Form
  • Which forms appear can be selected in the Pref tab of the appointment screen


  • CURRENT FORMS: to view current forms added to the patients chart click on the arrow beside the word current forms & then click on the form you want to view or add to
  • ADD NEW FORM: Click on the arrow for a drop-down menu of the forms available and click on the desired form to add to the patient’s e-Chart.
    12 Select Form
  • OLD FORMS: when you create a second type of form that has already been created, the current form will move down to OLD FORMS. (ie annual health review in 2001 will move to OLD forms when annual review is created for 2002)


  • Data can be extracted for statistical purposes
  • Ease of comparison from year to year
  • The program pulls the patient’s demographic information in automatically and will not allow you to enter incorrect data. If a demographic change has to be made, the change can not be made here. The users must go back to the Patients Detail Record to make any changes, preventing loss of important demographic changes.
  • Specific text areas allow you to add free flowing text to certain areas
  • When you view the OLD FORMS you can see the Created Date and the Edited Date


  • Patients demographic information will be automatically pulled from the Patient’s Detail Record
  • Use the TAB key to advance through the form
  • Where there is a checkbox, you will have to click with the mouse to check off the appropriate box or press the spacebar
  • Be sure to note if the form has more than one page, and SAVE EACH PAGE before proceeding onto the next
  • Before exiting, you must SAVE the form. In order to view the forms that have just been completed, refresh the encounter screen by pressing F5


Customizing Your Forms



You must be in the Administrative View of OSCAR to select which forms will be available in your patients' Encounter screen.  See Select Forms for details.


You can make your own electronic forms using OSCAR's e-form function.  See Creating Your Own for instructions on making and uploading customized HTML forms.
These forms are used in the same way the regular electronic forms are used, but are located in a different area of the oscarEncounter screen.  See Adding E-forms for instructions on how to fill out, save and access your e-forms.

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