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3.10 System Reports

OSCAR 15 comes with a number of System Reports and the ability to restart fax and OSCAR services

Security Log Report

The security Log Report provides information of who has logged in, from what IP, and what they have done.  This is information needed to investigate privacy breaches, and tampering with files, and unauthorized login attempts

Generate Traceability Report

Traceability ensures that the end user product is one that has met the stringent quality ISO standards maintained by OSCAR EMR and is equivalent to the product that has passed conformance testing for OntarioMD content.

  • Generate Traceability data for this OSCAR instance
  • It will examine your program files and download cryptographic signatures of the files
  • You can then compare these signatures with those generated from an authentic OSCAR system to see if your system is running the same program


Fax Status

If the OSCAR instance has configured OSCAR Fax or Hylafax you can run faxstat with this utility.  If everything is normal the report should look like the following

Fax Server Status
$ faxstat -s -l
HylafaFAX scheduler on servername: Running
Modem ttyUSB0 (+1.416.555.1234): Running and idle
  • If you are not receiving or are unable to send faxes, click on the button to restart the fax server.
  • If there has been a backlog generated of previous faxes that were unable to be sent due to an error, click on the button to clear those faxes.

OSCAR Status

OSCAR Status provides a number of linux system level data about the file system, memory and the git build SHA

OSCAR Reboot / Server Reboot

If you are having issues with Oscar, click the button to restart Oscar.

If the server is experiencing problems, click the button to reboot the server.

12 Oscar Status

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