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4.1.3 Labs

Configuration of OSCAR to receive electronic laboratory, pathology, radiology and hospital report results. Importing HL7 Labs
Labwork can be pushed into OSCAR with the HL7 transport utility from a Windows workstation. Use similar instructions to install on a Linux machine. OLIS
The Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS) is a system that connects Ontario hospitals, community laboratories and public health laboratories. OLIS contains not only lab results but pathology reports, receptor assays and other lab generated results from an increasing list of test providers. This is a short guide to get OLIS operational on OSCAR HRM
The Ontario Hospital Report Manager electronically delivers e-Notifications of admissions and discharges, text-based Medical Record reports, (e.g. Discharge Summary), and transcribed Diagnostic Imaging (excluding image) reports from sending facilities directly into patients' chart, within OSCAR 15.

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