4.2.10 Enabling Restarting OSCAR
While OSCAR rarely needs much maintenance, many problems can be fixed, at least temporarily, with an OSCAR restart or server reboot.
Document Version History
- v1.0 – initial public release on oscarmanual.org – July 28, 2013
It is assumed that- A default Ubuntu/Tomcat6 based installation of OSCAR older than Oscar 12_1 build 29.
- You have a basic level of Linux knowledge
- You can open a Linux terminal
- You can use a Linux text editor
- You can cut and paste EXACTLY the following instructions
The Reboot Script
Using a text editor open a blank file to contain the provided script. NOTE reOscar.sh comes with the latest OSCAR debs and is installed in /usr/share/OscarMcmaster/reOscar.sh
A note about the following command – ‘vi’ (for visual editor) is a classic unix editor. First time users usually find other Linux editors easier to use particularly ‘nano’, if you are running in a terminal environment, and ‘gedit’, if you are running with a GUI. If you elect to use an alternative editor, replace ‘vi’ in the commands that follow with your editor of choice.sudo vi usr/share/OscarMcmaster/reOscar.sh
Copy and paste the text below into reOscar.sh
#!/bin/bash # reOscar.sh # a script file for OSCAR that reboots Tomcat or the OS #============================================================== # Copyright Peter Hutten-Czapski 2013 released under the GPL v2 #============================================================== TMP=/tmp/tomcat6-tmp data_path=/usr/share/OscarMcmaster PROGRAM=Oscar12_1 LOG_FILE=${data_path}/${PROGRAM}.log LOG_ERR=${data_path}/${PROGRAM}.err SHUTDOWN_WAIT=20 # --- sanity check if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "This script must be run as root" 1>&2 exit 1 fi # --- reboot the server if [ -f ${TMP}/rebootServer.action ]; then echo "#########" `date` "#########" 1>> $LOG_FILE echo "reboot command sent" >> $LOG_FILE rm ${TMP}/rebootServer.action /sbin/shutdown -r now exit 0 fi # --- reload Tomcat tomcat_pid() { echo `ps aux | grep org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }'` } if [ -f ${TMP}/restartOscar.action ]; then echo "#########" `date` "#########" 1>> $LOG_FILE echo "restart Oscar command sent" >> $LOG_FILE rm ${TMP}/restartOscar.action pid=$(tomcat_pid) if [ -n "$pid" ]; then service tomcat6 stop let kwait=$SHUTDOWN_WAIT count=0; until [ `ps -p $pid | grep -c $pid` = '0' ] || [ $count -gt $kwait ] do echo -n -e "\nwaiting for processes to exit"; sleep 1 let count=$count+1; done else echo "#########" `date` "#########" 1>> $LOG_ERR echo "Is tomcat running.." >> $LOG_ERR fi if [ $count -gt $kwait ]; then echo "Tomcat process had to be killed" >> $LOG_FILE kill -9 $pid fi service tomcat6 start fi exit 0
Save and exit the editor and make the file executable by root and not readable by anyone else
sudo chmod 700
We’ll configure Linux to run the command every minute. This is done by
creating a cron job for the script we just made. Run the following
command to open an editor for the crontab file:
sudo crontab -e
And add to the existing file an entry so that the command looks like
# m h dom mon dow command
* * * * *
To activate the script go to Admin -> Oscar Status -> and either click either of the bottom buttons
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