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2.4.2 eForm Magic part B - Measurements

Advanced techniques for making eForms in Oscar 15 Including Database pulls - simple, measurements, enhanced and extended as well as Templates to paste into ...

Pulling Measurements from Oscar


Measurements can be retrieved from the chart as well.  The format is  oscarDB=m$<measurementName>#<measurementField>.  For most uses you are interested in the "value" measurement Field which will give you the latest measurement of that type (the types configured vary by system, the examples are ones that are common to most if not all Oscar installations)

<input type="text" name="WT" id="WT" oscarDB=m$WT#value>

And comments associated with that measurement

<input type="text" name="EGFR" id="EGFR" oscarDB=m$EGFR#comments>

the date of the Measurement can be pulled by

<input type="text" name="dailySmokes" id="dailySmokes" oscarDB=m$NOSK#dateObserved>
Measurements can be saved from the form to the measurements list by using m$<measurementName>#<measurementField> as the name of the input
WT: <input class="nodisplay" type="text" name="m$WT#value" />
<select name="m$WT#measuringInstruction">
        <option value="in kg">in kg</option>
        <option value="in BMI">in BMI</option>
Comments: <textarea class="nodisplay" name="m$WT#comments" rows="3" cols="20"></textarea>

If you want to both read from and write to the measurements database combine the two methods

<input type="text" name="m$BP#dateObserved" oscarDB=m$BP#dateObserved>

The name of each text field and checkbox MUST be unique.  The information WILL NOT SAVE if there are duplicate names.

The following measurements are standard for OSCAR 15

Tag typeDisplayName Description Validation
02 Oxygen Saturation *DEPRECATED but in intake* Oxygen Saturation Numeric Value: 0 to 100
02SA Oxygen Saturation Oxygen Saturation No Validations
24UA 24 hour urine albumin 24 hour urine albumin Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
24UR 24-hr Urine cr clearance & albuminuria Renal 24-hr Urine cr clearance & albuminuria Numeric Value: 0 to 50
5DAA 5 Day Adherence if ON ART 5 Day Adherence if ON ART Numeric Value: 0 to 100
A1C A1C A1C Numeric Value: 0 to 50
AACP Asthma Action Plan Asthma Action Plan Yes/No/NA
ABO Blood Group ABO RhD blood type group No Validations
ACOS Asthma Coping Strategies Asthma Coping Strategies Yes/No/NA
ACR Alb creat ratio ACR Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ACS Acute Conronary Syndrome Acute Conronary Syndrome Yes/No/NA
AEDR Asthma Education Referral Asthma Education Referral Yes/No/NA
AELV Exacerbations since last visit requiring clincal evaluation Exacerbations since last visit requiring clincal evaluation Yes/No/NA
AENC Asthma Environmental Control Asthma Environmental Control Yes/No/NA
AFP AFP Alpha Fetoprotein Numeric Value: 0 to 300
AHGM Anit-hypoglycemic Medication Anit-hypoglycemic Medication Yes/No/NA
AIDU Active Intravenous Drug Use Active Intravenous Drug Use Yes/No/NA
ALB Albumin Serum Albumin Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ALB Albumin Albumin Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ALC Alcohol Alcohol Yes/No/NA
ALP ALP Alkaline Phosphatase Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ALP Alk Phos Alk Phosphatase Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ALPA Asthma Limits Physical Activity Asthma Limits Physical Activity Yes/No/X
ALPA Asthma Limits Physical Activity Asthma Limits Physical Activity No Validations
ALT ALT ALT Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ANA ANA Antinuclear Antibodies pos or neg
Ang Angina Angina Yes/No/NA
ANR Asthma Needs Reliever Asthma Needs Reliever Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ANSY Asthma Night Time Symtoms Asthma Night Time Symtoms Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
APOB APO B Apolipoprotein B Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ARAD Review Asthma Definition Review Asthma Definition Yes/No/NA
ARDT Asthma Review Device Technique optimal Asthma Review Device Technique optimal Yes/No/NA
ARMA Asthma Review Med Adherence Asthma Review Med Adherence Yes/No/NA
ASPR Asthma Specialist Referral Asthma Specialist Referral Yes/No/NA
AST AST AST Numeric Value: 0 to 100
ASTA Asthma Trigger Avoidance Asthma Trigger Avoidance Yes/No/NA
ASWA Asthma Absence School Work Asthma Absence School Work Yes/No/NA
ASYM Asthma Symptoms Asthma Symptoms Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
BCTR Birth Control Birth Control Yes/No/NA
BG Blood Glucose Blood Glucose Yes/No/NA
BILC Bili conj Conjugated Bilirubin Numeric Value: 0 to 300
BILI Bilirubin Total Bilirubin Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
BILT Bilirubin Total Bilirubin Numeric Value: 0 to 300
BILU Bili unconj Unconjugated Bilirubin Numeric Value: 0 to 300
BMED Blood Pressure Medication Changes BP Med Changes Yes/No/NA
BMI Body Mass Index BMI Numeric Value: 0 to 100
BP BP Blood Pressure Blood Pressure
BPI Brief Pain Index -Short Form Brief Pain Index -Short Form Numeric Value: 0 to 300
BPII BPI Pain Interference BPI Pain Interference Numeric Value: 0 to 10
BPIS BPI Pain Severity BPI Pain Severity Numeric Value: 0 to 10
BTFT Brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste and floss NULL Yes/No/NA
BUN BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
BZD Urine Test Benzodiazepine Urine Toxicology Test: Benzodiazepine pos or neg
C125 CA 125 CA 125 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
C153 CA 15-3 CA 15-3 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
C199 CA 19-9 CA 19-9 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
C3 C3 Complement component 3 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CA Calcium Calcium Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CANB Urine Test Cannabis Urine Toxicology Test: Cannabis pos or neg
CASA Consider ASA Consider ASA Yes/No/NA
CAVD Calcium and Vitamin D NULL Review
CD4 CD4 CD4 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CD4P CD4 Percent CD4 Percent Numeric Value: 0 to 100
CDMP Attended CDM Self Management Program Attended CDM Self Management Program Yes/No/NA
CEA CEA CEA Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CEDE Education Exercise Education Exercise Yes/No/NA
CEDM Education Patient Meds Education Patient Meds Yes/No/NA
CEDS Education Salt fluid Education Salt fluid Yes/No/NA
CEDW Education Daily Weight Monitoring Education Daily Weight Monitoring Yes/No/NA
CERV ER visits for HF ER visits for HF Numeric Value: 0 to 10
CGSD Collaborative Goal Setting Collaborative Goal Setting Yes/No/NA
CHLM CHLM Chlamydia pos or neg
CIMF Child Immunization recall Child Immunization Follow up No Validations
CK CK Creatinine Kinase Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
Clpl Chloride Chloride Numeric Value: 0 to 300
Clpl Cl Plasma Chloride Numeric Value: 0 to 300
CMBS Coombs Coombs pos or neg
CODC COD Classification COD Classification No Validations
COGA Cognitive Assessment NULL Yes/No/NA
COPE Provide COP Education Materials Provide COP Education Materials Yes/No/NA
COPM Review COP Med use and Side effects Review COP Med use and Side effects Yes/No/NA
COPS COP Specialist Referral COP Specialist Referral Yes/No/NA
COUM Warfarin Weekly Dose WarfarinDose Numeric Value: 0 to 300
CRCL Creatinine Clearance Creatinine Clearance Numeric Value: 0 to 300
CRP CRP C reactive protein Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CVD CVD Cerebrovascular disease Yes/No/NA
DEPR Depression Depression Yes/No/NA
DESM Dental Exam Every 6 Months Dental Exam Every 6 Months Yes/No/NA
DiaC Diabetes Counseling Given Diabetes Counseling Given Yes/No/NA
DIER Diet and Exercise Diet and Exercise Yes/No/NA
DIET Diet Diet Yes/No/NA
DIFB Impaired FB Impaired FB Yes/No/NA
DIG Digoxin Digoxin Level Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
DIGT Impaired GT Impaired Glucose Tolerance Yes/No/NA
DIL Dilantin Dilantin (Phenytoin) level Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
DILY Dentist in the last year NULL Yes/No/NA
DM DM Diabetes Yes/No/NA
DMED Diabetes Medication Changes DM Med Changes Yes/No/NA
DMME Diabetes Education Diabetes Education Yes/No/NA
DMOE Daily Morphine Equivalent Daily Morphine Equivalent No Validations
DMSM Diabetes Self Management Goals Diabetes Self Management Goals Yes/No/NA
DNFS DN4 Questionnaire DN4 Questionnaire Numeric Value: 0 to 10
DOLE Date of last Exacerbation Date of last Exacerbation Date
DpSc Depression Screen Feeling Sad, blue or depressed for 2 weeks or more Yes/No/NA
DRCO Drug Coverage Drug Coverage Yes/No/NA
DRPW Drinks per Week Drinks per Week Numeric Value: 0 to 300
DT1 Type I Diabetes Type 1 Yes/No/NA
DT2 Type II Diabetes Type 2 Yes/No/NA
DTYP Diabetes Type Diabetes Type Integer: 1 to 3
ECHK Do you have your eyes regularly checked? NULL Yes/No/NA
EDC EDC Expected Date of Confinement Date
EDDD Education Diabetes Education Diabetes Yes/No/NA
EDF EDF Erectile Dysfunction Yes/No/NA
EDGI Autonomic Neuropathy Autonomic Neuropathy Yes/No/NA
EDND Education Nutrition Diabetes Education Nutrition Diabetes Yes/No/NA
EDNL Education Nutrition Lipids Education Nutrition Lipids Yes/No/NA
EGFR EGFR EGFR Numeric Value: 0 to 100
ENA ENA Extractable Nuclear Antigens No Validations
EPR Exacerbation plan in place or reviewed Exacerbation plan in place or reviewed Yes/No/NA
ESR ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
EXE Exercise Exercise Yes/No/NA
ExeC Exercise Counseling Given Exercise Counseling Given Yes/No/NA
Exer Exercise Exercise Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
EYEE Dilated Eye Exam Eye Exam Yes/No/NA
FAHS Risk of Falling Risk of Falling Yes/No/NA
FAMR Family/Relationships NULL Review
FAS Folic Acid supplementation NULL Yes/No/NA
FBPC 2 hr PC BG 2 hr PC BG Numeric Value: 0 to 50
FBS FBS Glucose FBS Numeric Value: 0 to 50
FEET FEET Feet Check skin Yes/No/NA
Fer Ferritin Ferritin Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1 Forced Expiratory Volume 1 Second Forced Expiratory Volume 1 Second Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FGLC Fasting Glucose meter , lab comparison Fasting glucose meter, lab comparison Yes/No/NA
FICO Financial Concerns Financial Concerns Yes/No/NA
FIT FIT Fecal Immunochemical Test pos or neg
FLUF Flu Recall Flu Recall Documentation No Validations
FOBF FOBT prevention recall FOBT Immunization Follow up No Validations
FOBT FOBT Fecal Occult Blood pos or neg
FRAM Framingham 10 year CAD Framingham 10 year CAD No Validations
FT3 FT3 Free T3 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FT4 FT4 Free T4 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FTE Foot Exam Foot Exam Yes/No/NA
FTEx Foot Exam: Significant Pathology Significant Pathology Yes/No/NA
FTIn Foot Exam: Infection Infection Yes/No/NA
FTIs Foot Exam: Ischemia Ischemia Yes/No/NA
FTLS Foot Exam Test loss of Sensation Foot Exam Loss of Sensation Yes/No/NA
FTNe Foot Exam: Neuropathy Neuropathy Yes/No/NA
FTOt Foot Exam: Other Vascular abnomality Other Vascular abnomality Yes/No/NA
FTRe Foot Exam: Referral made Referral made Yes/No/NA
FTST Free Testost Free Testost Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FTUl Foot Exam: Ulcer Ulcer Yes/No/NA
FUPP Assessment/Follow-up plans NULL Review
G Gravida Gravida Numeric Value: 0 to 50
GAD7 GAD 7 score GAD 7 score Numeric Value: 0 to 100
GBS GBS Group B Strep pos or neg
GC Gonococcus Gonococcus pos or neg
GCT 50g Glucose Challenge 1h 50g Glucose Challenge Numeric Value: 0 to 100
GGT GGT Gamma-glutamyl transferase Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
GT1 75g OGTT 1h 1h 75g Glucose Tolerance Test Numeric Value: 0 to 100
GT2 75g OGTT 2h 2h 75g Glucose Tolerance Test Numeric Value: 0 to 100
GWS General Withdrawal Symptoms Methadone Induction Phase Assessment: General Withdrawal Symptoms - Doctor's detailed notes in comment No Validations
Hb Hb Hb Numeric Value: 0 to 300
HBEB AntiHBeAg AntiHBeAg pos or neg
HBEG HBeAg HBeAg pos or neg
Hchl Hypercholesterolemia Hypercholesterolemia Yes/No/NA
HCO3 Bicarbonate Bicarbonate Numeric Value: 0 to 100
HCON Do you have any hearing concerns? NULL Yes/No/NA
HDL HDL High Density Lipid Numeric Value: 0 to 10
HEAD Head circumference Head circumference Numeric Value: 0 to 100
HFCG HF Collaorative Goal Setting HF Collaorative Goal Setting Yes/No/NA
HFCS HF Self Management Challenge HF Self Management Challenge Yes/No/NA
HFMD HF Mod Risk Factor Diabetes HF Mod Risk Factor Diabetes Yes/No/NA
HFMH HF Mod Risk Factor Hyperlipidemia HF Mod Risk Factor Hyperlipidemia Yes/No/NA
HFMO HF Mod Risk Factor Overweight HF Mod Risk Factor Overweight Yes/No/NA
HFMS HF Mod Risk Factor Smoking HF Mod Risk Factor Smoking Yes/No/NA
HFMT HF Mod Risk Factor Hypertension HF Mod Risk Factor Hypertension Yes/No/NA
HIP Hip Circ. Hip Circumference Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HIVG HIV genotype HIV genotype Yes/No/NA
HLA HLA B5701 HLA B5701 Yes/No/NA
HpAI Hep A IgG Hep A IgG Yes/No/NA
HpBA Hep BS Ab Hep BS Ab Yes/No/NA
HPBC Hep B CAb Hep B CAb Yes/No/NA
HpBS Hep BS Ag Hep BS Ag Yes/No/NA
HpCA Hep C Ab Hep C Ab Yes/No/NA
HPCG Hep C Genotype Hep C Genotype Numeric Value: 0 to 10
HPNP Hearing protection/Noise control programs NULL Yes/No/NA
HPYL H Pylori H Pylori pos or neg
HR P Heart Rate Numeric Value: 0 to 300
HRMS Review med use and side effects HTN Review of Medication use and side effects No Validations
HSMC Self Management Challenges HTN Self Management Challenges No Validations
HSMG Self Management Goal HTN Self Management Goal No Validations
HT HT Height Numeric Value: 0 to 300
HTN HTN Hypertension Yes/No/NA
HYPE Hypoglycemic Episodes Number of Hypoglycemic Episodes Numeric Value: 0 to 50
HYPM Hypoglycemic Management Hypoglycemic Management Yes/No/NA
IART Currently ON ART Currently ON ART Yes/No/NA
IBPL Income below poverty line NULL Yes/No/NA
iDia Eye Exam: Diabetic Retinopathy Diabetic Retinopathy Yes/No/NA
iEx Eye Exam: Significant Pathology Significant Pathology Yes/No/NA
iHyp Eye Exam: Hypertensive Retinopathy Hypertensive Retinopathy Yes/No/NA
INR INR INR Numeric Value: 0 to 300
INSL Insulin Insulin Yes/No/NA
iOth Eye Exam: Other Vascular Abnomality Other Vascular Abnormality Yes/No/NA
iPTH iPTH intact Parathyroid Hormone Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
iRef Eye Exam: Refferal Made Refferal Made Yes/No/NA
JVPE JPV Elevation JPV Elevation Yes/No/NA
KEEL Keele Score Keele Score Numeric Value: 0 to 10
Kpl Potassium Potassium Numeric Value: 0 to 10
LcCt Locus of Control Screen Feeling lack of control over daily life Yes/No/NA
LDL LDL Low Density Lipid Numeric Value: 0 to 10
LEFP LEFS Pain Lower Extremity Functional Scale - Pain Numeric Value: 0 to 300
LETH Lethargy Lethargic Yes/No/NA
LHAD Lung Related Hospital Admission Lung Related Hospital Admission Yes/No/NA
LITH Lithium Lithium Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
LMED Lipid Lowering Medication Changes Lipid Med Changes Yes/No/NA
LMP Last Menstral Period LMP Date
LUCR Lung Crackles Lung Crackles Yes/No/NA
MACA Macroalbuminuria Renal Macrobalbumnuria Numeric Value: 0 to 50
MACC MAC culture MAC culture Yes/No/NA
MAMF MAM Recall Mammogram Recall Documentation No Validations
MAMP Urine Test Methamphetamine Urine Toxicology Test: Methamphetamine pos or neg
MCCE Motivation Counseling Compeleted Exercise Motivation Counseling Compeleted Exercise Yes/No/NA
MCCN Motivation Counseling Compeleted Nutrition Motivation Counseling Compeleted Nutrition Yes/No/NA
MCCO Motivation Counseling Compeleted Other Motivation Counseling Compeleted Other Yes/No/NA
MCCS Motivation Counseling Compeleted Smoking Cessation Motivation Counseling Compeleted Smoking Cessation Yes/No/NA
MCV MCV Mean corpuscular volume Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
MDD Methadone Dose Methadone Induction Phase Assessment: Methadone Dose - Dosing Date Number & Patient Comfort Level in comment Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
MedA Medication adherence access barriers Difficulty affording meds or getting refills ON time Yes/No/NA
MedG Medication adherence general problem Any missed days or doses of meds Yes/No/NA
MedN Medication adherence negative beliefs Concerns about side effects or medication IS not working Yes/No/NA
MedR Medication adherence recall barriers Difficulty remembering to take meds Yes/No/NA
MG Mg Magnesium Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
Napl Sodium Sodium Numeric Value: 0 to 300
NDIP CMCC NDI Pain CMCC Neck Disability Index - Pain Numeric Value: 0 to 300
NDIS CMCC NDI Score CMCC Neck Disability Index - Score Numeric Value: 0 to 300
NERF Neuropathic Features? Neuropathic Features? Yes/No/Maybe
NOSK Number of Cigarettes per day Smoking Numeric Value: 0 to 300
NOVS Need for nocturnal ventilated support Need for nocturnal ventilated support Yes/No/NA
NtrC Diet/Nutrition Counseling Given Diet/Nutrition Counseling Given Yes/No/NA
NYHA NYHA Functional Capacity Classification NYHA Functional Capacity Classification Integer: 1 to 4
OB A Numeric Value: 0 to 10
OB G OB G *DEPRECATED* OB G Numeric Value: 0 to 10
OB L OB L *DEPRECATED* OB L Numeric Value: 0 to 10
OB P OB P *DEPRECATED* OB P Numeric Value: 0 to 10
OB T OB T *DEPRECATED* OB T Numeric Value: 0 to 10
OPAB Opioid Aberrant Behaviour Opioid Aberrant Behaviour pos or neg
OPAE Opioid Adverse Effects Opioid Adverse Effects pos or neg
OPID Urine Test Opioids Urine Toxicology Test: Opioids pos or neg
OPUS Opioid Urine Drug Screen Opioid Urine Drug Screen pos or neg
ORDU Other Recent Drug Use Methadone Induction Phase Assessment: Other Recent Drug Use Yes/No - Description in comment Yes/No
ORSK Opioid Risk NULL Numeric Value: 0 to 50
OSWP Oswestry BDI Pain Oswestry Back Disability Index - Pain Numeric Value: 0 to 300
OSWS Oswestry BDI Score Oswestry Back Disability Index - Score Numeric Value: 0 to 300
OTCO Other Concerns Other Concerns Yes/No/NA
OthC Other Counseling Given Other Counseling Given Yes/No/NA
OUTR Outside Spirometry Referral Outside Spirometry Referral Yes/No/NA
P Para Para Numeric Value: 0 to 50
PANE Painful Neuropathy Painful Neuropathy Yes/No/NA
PAPF Pap Recall Pap Recall Documentation No Validations
PB19 Parvovirus Parvovirus B19 No Validations
PEDE Pitting Edema Pitting Edema Yes/No/NA
PEFR PEFR value PEFR value Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PHIN Pharmacological Intolerance Pharmacological Intolerance Yes/No/NA
PHOS Phosphate Phosphate Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PHQ9 PHQ 9 score PHQ 9 score Numeric Value: 0 to 100
PHQS PHQ4 Depression Anxiety Score PHQ4 Depression Anxiety Score Numeric Value: 0 to 50
PIDU Previous Intravenous Drug Use Previous Intravenous Drug Use Yes/No/NA
PLT Platelets Platelets Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
POSK Packs of Cigarettes per day Smoking Numeric Value: 0 to 50
PROT Protein Total Protein Serum Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PRRF Pulmonary Rehabilitation Referral Pulmonary Rehabilitation Referral Yes/No/NA
PSA PSA Prostatic specific antigen Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PSPA Patient Sets physical Activity Goal Patient Sets physical Activity Goal Yes/No/NA
PSQS PSQ3 Sleep Score PSQ3 Sleep Score Numeric Value: 0 to 300
PSSC Psychosocial Screening Psychosocial Screening Yes/No/NA
PsyC Psychosocial Counseling Given Psychosocial Counseling Given Yes/No/NA
PTSD PC PTSD Trauma Score PC PTSD Trauma Score Numeric Value: 0 to 10
PULS P Heart Rate Numeric Value: 0 to 300
PVD PVD Peripheral vascular disease Yes/No/NA
PXAM Physical Exam NULL Review
QDSH QuickDASH Score Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand - Score Numeric Value: 0 to 300
RABG Recommend ABG Recommend ABG Yes/No/NA
REBG Review Blood Glucose Records Review Glucose Records Yes/No/NA
RESP RR Respiratory Rate Numeric Value: 0 to 100
RETI Retinopathy NULL Yes/No/NA
RF RF Rheumatoid Factor pos or neg
Rh Rh RhD blood type group No Validations
RHU Recent Heroin Use Methadone Induction Phase Assessment: Recent Heroin Use Yes/No - Amount in comment Yes/No
RPHR Review PHR Review PHR Yes/No/NA
RPPT Review Pathophysiology, Prognosis, Treatment with Patient Review Pathophysiology, Prognosis, Treatment with Patient Yes/No/NA
RUB Rubella Rubella titre No Validations
RVTN Revascularization Revascularization Yes/No/NA
SBLT Seat belts NULL Yes/No/NA
SCR Serum Creatinine Creatinine Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
SDET Smoke detector that works NULL Yes/No/NA
SDUS Street Drug Use NULL Review
SEXF Sexual Function Sexual Function Yes/No/NA
SEXH Sexual History NULL Review
SHAB Sleep Habits NULL Review
SKD SKD Signs of Kidney Damage Yes/No
SKST Smoking Status Smoking Status Yes/No/NA
SMBG Self monitoring BG Self Monitoring Blood Glucose Yes/No/NA
SmCC Smoking Cessation Counseling Given Smoking Cessation Counseling Given Yes/No/NA
SMCD Self Management Challenges Self Management Challenges Yes/No/NA
SMCP Smoking Cessation Program Smoking Cessation Program No Validations
SMCS Smoking Cessation Smoking Cessation Yes/No/NA
SMK Smoking Smoking Yes/No/X
SmkA Smoking Advice Advised to Quid Yes/No/NA
SmkC Cigarette Smoking Cessation Cigarette Smoking Cessation Date
SmkD Daily Packs Packs of Cigarets Daily No Validations
SmkF Smoking Followup Followup Requested Yes/No/NA
SmkP Cigarette Smoking History Cigarette Smoking History Numeric Value: 0 to 300
SmkS Cigarette Smoking Status Cigarette Smoking Status Numeric Value: 0 to 100
SODI Salt Intake Salt Intake Yes/No/NA
SOHF Symptoms of Heart Failure Symptoms of Heart Failure Yes/No/NA
SPIR Spirometry Spirometry Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
SSEX Practicing Safe Sex Practicing Safe Sex Yes/No/NA
SSXC Safe Sex Counselling NULL Review
STIS STI Screening Sexual Transmitted Infections Review
STRE Stress Testing Stress Testing Yes/No/NA
StSc Stress Screen Several periods of irritability, feeling filled with anxiety, or difficulty sleeping b/c of stress Yes/No/NA
SUAB Substance Use Substance Use Yes/No/NA
SUNP Sun protection NULL Yes/No/NA
SUO2 Need for supplemental oxygen Need for supplemental oxygen Yes/No/NA
TCHD TC/HDL LIPIDS TD/HDL Numeric Value: 0 to 50
TCHL Total Cholestorol Total Cholestorol Numeric Value: 0 to 10
TDP Diabetes Program Patient Diabetes Program Patient No Validations
TEMP Temp Temperature Numeric Value: 0 to 50
TG TG LIPIDS TG Numeric Value: 0 to 50
TOXP Toxoplasma IgG Toxoplasma IgG Yes/No/NA
TRIG Triglycerides Triglycerides Numeric Value: 0 to 50
TSAT Transferrin Saturation Transferrin Saturation Numeric Value: 0 to 100
TSH TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Numeric Value: 0 to 100
TUG Timed Up and Go Timed Up and Go Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
UA Urate Uric Acid Numeric Value: 0 to 300
UACR Alb creat ratio UACR Numeric Value: 0 to 300
UAIP UPDATE AIDS defining illness in PMH UPDATE AIDS defining illness in PMH Yes/No/NA
UALB Urine alb: creat ratio Urine alb: creat ratio Numeric Value: 0 to 100
Uetc Urine Test etc Urine Toxicology Test: other substance - name in comment pos or neg
UHTP UPDATE HIV Test History in PMH UPDATE HIV Test History in PMH Yes/No/NA
URBH UPDATE Risk Behaviours UPDATE Risk Behaviours Yes/No/NA
URIC Uric Acid Uric Acid Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
USSH UPDATE Sexual Identity in Social History UPDATE Sexual Identity in Social History Yes/No/NA
VB12 Vit B12 Vitamin B12 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
VLOA Viral Load Viral Load Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
VZV Zoster Varicella Zoster pos or neg
WAIS Waist Waist Numeric Value: 0 to 300
WBC WBC White Cell Count Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
WC Waist Circ. Waist Circumference No Validations
WHR Waist:Hip Waist Hip Ratio Numeric Value: 0 to 10
WKED Work/Education NULL Review
WT WT Weight Numeric Value: 0 to 300


2019 list

Code Type Display Name Measuring Instruction Validation
02 Oxygen Saturation percent Numeric Value: 0 to 100
24UA 24 hour urine albumin mg/24h (nnn.n) Range:0-500 Interval:12mo. Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
24UR 24-hr Urine cr clearance & albuminuria q 6-12 months, unit mg Numeric Value: 0 to 50
5DAA 5 Day Adherence if ON ART number Numeric Value: 0 to 100
A1C A1C Range:0.040-0.200 Numeric Value: 0 to 50
AACP Asthma Action Plan Provided/Revised/Reviewed Provided/Revised/Reviewed
ACOS Asthma Coping Strategies Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ACR Alb creat ratio in mg/mmol Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ACS Acute Conronary Syndrome Yes/No Yes/No/NA
AEDR Asthma Education Referral Yes/No Yes/No/NA
AELV Exacerbations since last visit requiring clincal e... Yes/No Yes/No/NA
AENC Asthma Environmental Control Yes/No Yes/No/NA
AHGM Anit-hypoglycemic Medication Yes/No Yes/No/NA
AIDU Active Intravenous Drug Use Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ALC Alcohol Yes/No/X No Validations
ALPA Asthma Limits Physical Activity Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ALT ALT in U/L Numeric Value: 0 to 300
Ang Angina Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ANR Asthma Needs Reliever   frequency per week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ANSY Asthma Night Time Symtoms frequency per week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ARAD Review Asthma Definition Review Asthma Definition Yes/No/NA
ARDT Asthma  Review Device Technique optimal Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ARMA Asthma Review Med Adherence Asthma Review Med Adherence Yes/No/NA
ASAU ASA Use Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ASPR Asthma Specialist Referral Yes/No Yes/No/NA
AST AST in U/L Numeric Value: 0 to 100
ASTA Asthma Trigger Avoidance Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ASWA Asthma Absence School Work Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ASYM Asthma Symptoms frequency per week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
BCTR Birth Control Yes/No Yes/No/NA
BG Blood Glucose in mmol/L (nn.n) Range:1.5-30.0 Yes/No/NA
BMED Blood Pressure Medication Changes Changed Yes/No/NA
BMI Body Mass Index BMI Numeric Value: 0 to 100
BP BP BP Tru Blood Pressure
BP BP supine Blood Pressure
BP BP standing position Blood Pressure
CASA Consider ASA Yes/No Yes/No/NA
CD4 CD4 in x10e9/l Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CD4P CD4 Percent in % Numeric Value: 0 to 100
CDMP Attended CDM Self Management Program Yes/No Yes/No/NA
CEDE Education Exercise Yes/No Yes/No/NA
CEDM Education Patient Meds Yes/No Yes/No/NA
CEDS Education Salt fluid Yes/No Yes/No/NA
CEDW Education Daily Weight Monitoring Yes/No Yes/No/NA
CERV ER visits for HF integer Numeric Value: 0 to 10
CGSD Collaborative Goal Setting Yes/No Yes/No/NA
CIMF Child Immunization recall Patient Contacted by Letter or Phone No Validations
CMVI CMV IgG Positive Yes/No/NA
CODC COD Classification NULL No Validations
COPE Provide COP Education Materials Yes/No Yes/No/NA
COPM Review COP Med use and Side effects Yes/No Yes/No/NA
COPS COP Specialist Referral Yes/No Yes/No/NA
COUM Warfarin Weekly Dose Total mg Warfarin per week Numeric Value: 0 to 300
CRCL Creatinine Clearance in ml/h Numeric Value: 0 to 300
CVD CVD Yes/No Yes/No/NA
CXR CXR Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DEPR Depression Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DESM Dental Exam Every 6 Months Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DiaC Diabetes Counseling Given Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DIER Diet and Exercise Reviewed Yes/No/NA
DIET Diet Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DIFB Impaired FB Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DIGT Impaired GT Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DM DM Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DMED Diabetes Medication Changes Changed Yes/No/NA
DMME Diabetes Education Discussed Yes/No/NA
DMSM Diabetes Self Management Goals Discussed Yes/No/NA
DOLE Date of last Exacerbation yyyy-mm-dd Date
DpSc Depression Screen Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DRCO Drug Coverage Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DRPW Drinks per Week Number of Drinks per week Numeric Value: 0 to 300
DT1 Type I Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DT2 Type II Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DTYP Diabetes Type 1 or 2 Integer: 1 to 3
ECG ECG Yes/No Yes/No/NA
EDC EDC yyyy-mm-dd Date
EDDD Education Diabetes Yes/No Yes/No/NA
EDF EDF Yes/No Yes/No/NA
EDGI Autonomic Neuropathy Present Yes/No/NA
EDND Education Nutrition Diabetes Yes/No Yes/No/NA
EDNL Education Nutrition Lipids Yes/No Yes/No/NA
EGFR EGFR in ml/min Numeric Value: 0 to 100
EPR Exacerbation plan in place or reviewed Yes/No Yes/No/NA
EXE Exercise Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ExeC Exercise Counseling Given Yes/No Yes/No/NA
Exer Exercise [min/week 0-1200] Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
EYEE Dilated Eye Exam Exam Done Yes/No/NA
FAHS Risk of Falling Yes/No Yes/No/NA
FBPC 2 hr PC BG in mmol/L Numeric Value: 0 to 50
FBS FBS FBS Numeric Value: 0 to 50
FEET FEET sensation (Yes/No) Yes/No/NA
FEET FEET vibration (Yes/No) Yes/No/NA
FEET FEET reflexes (Yes/No) Yes/No/NA
FEET FEET pulses (Yes/No) Yes/No/NA
FEET FEET infection (Yes/No) Yes/No/NA
FEV1 Forced Expiratory Volume 1 Second Forced Expiratory Volume 1 Second Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FGLC Fasting Glucose meter , lab comparison Within 20 percent Yes/No/NA
FICO Financial Concerns Yes/No Yes/No/NA
FLUF Flu Recall Patient Contacted by Letter or Phone No Validations
FOBF FOBT prevention recall Patient Contacted by Letter or Phone No Validations
FRAM Framingham 10 year CAD percent No Validations
FTE Foot Exam Normal Yes/No/NA
FTEx Foot Exam: Significant Pathology Yes/No Yes/No/NA
FTIn Foot Exam: Infection Yes/No Yes/No/NA
FTIs Foot Exam: Ischemia Yes/No Yes/No/NA
FTLS Foot Exam  Test loss of Sensation Normal Yes/No/NA
FTNe Foot Exam: Neuropathy Yes/No Yes/No/NA
FTOt Foot Exam: Other Vascular abnomality Yes/No Yes/No/NA
FTRe Foot Exam: Referral made Yes/No Yes/No/NA
FTST Free Testost in nmol/L Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FTUl Foot Exam: Ulcer Yes/No Yes/No/NA
G Gravida Gravida Numeric Value: 0 to 50
G6PD G6PD Positive Yes/No/NA
Hb Hb in g/L Numeric Value: 0 to 300
HIP Hip Circ. at 2 cm above navel Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
Hchl Hypercholesterolemia Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HDL HDL in mmol/L (n.n) Range:0.4-4.0 Numeric Value: 0 to 10
HEAD Head circumference in cm (nnn) Range:30-70 Interval:2mo. Numeric Value: 0 to 100
HFCG HF Collaorative Goal Setting Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HFCS HF Self Management Challenge Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HFMD HF Mod Risk Factor Diabetes Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HFMH HF Mod Risk Factor Hyperlipidemia Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HFMO HF Mod Risk Factor Overweight Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HFMS HF Mod Risk Factor Smoking Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HFMT HF Mod Risk Factor Hypertension Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HIVG HIV genotype Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HLA HLA B5701 Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HpAI Hep A IgG Positive Yes/No/NA
HpBA Hep BS Ab Positive Yes/No/NA
HPBC Hep B CAb Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HPBP Hep B PCR Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HpBS Hep BS Ag Positive Yes/No/NA
HpCA Hep C Ab Positive Yes/No/NA
HPCG Hep C Genotype integer Range 1-7 Numeric Value: 0 to 10
HPCP Hep C PCR Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HR P in bpm (nnn) Range:40-180 Numeric Value: 0 to 300
HRMS Review med use and side effects NULL No Validations
HSMC Self Management Challenges NULL No Validations
HSMG Self Management Goal NULL No Validations
HT HT in cm Numeric Value: 0 to 300
HTN HTN Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HYPE Hypoglycemic Episodes since last visit Numeric Value: 0 to 50
HYPM Hypoglycemic Management Yes/No Yes/No/NA
IART Currently ON ART Yes/No Yes/No/NA
iDia Eye Exam: Diabetic Retinopathy Yes/No Yes/No/NA
iEx Eye Exam: Significant Pathology Yes/No Yes/No/NA
iHyp Eye Exam: Hypertensive Retinopathy Yes/No Yes/No/NA
INR INR INR Blood Work Numeric Value: 0 to 300
INSL Insulin Yes/No Yes/No/NA
iOth Eye Exam: Other Vascular Abnomality Yes/No Yes/No/NA
iRef Eye Exam: Refferal Made Yes/No Yes/No/NA
JVPE JPV Elevation Yes/No Yes/No/NA
Kpl Potassium in mmol/L Numeric Value: 0 to 10
LcCt Locus of Control Screen Yes/No Yes/No/NA
LDL LDL monitor every 1-3 year Numeric Value: 0 to 10
LEFP LEFS Pain number Numeric Value: 0 to 300
LETH Lethargy Yes/No Yes/No/NA
LHAD Lung Related Hospital Admission Yes/No Yes/No/NA
LMED Lipid Lowering Medication Changes Changed Yes/No/NA
LMP Last Menstral Period date Date
LUCR Lung Crackles Yes/No Yes/No/NA
MACA Macroalbuminuria q 3-6 months Numeric Value: 0 to 50
MACC MAC culture Yes/No Yes/No/NA
MAMF MAM Recall Patient Contacted by Letter or Phone No Validations
MCCE Motivation Counseling Compeleted Exercise Yes/No Yes/No/NA
MCCN Motivation Counseling Compeleted Nutrition Yes/No Yes/No/NA
MCCO Motivation Counseling Compeleted Other Yes/No Yes/No/NA
MCCS Motivation Counseling Compeleted Smoking Cessation Yes/No Yes/No/NA
MedA Medication adherence access barriers Yes/No Yes/No/NA
MedG Medication adherence general problem Yes/No Yes/No/NA
MedN Medication adherence negative beliefs Yes/No Yes/No/NA
MedR Medication adherence recall barriers Yes/No Yes/No/NA
MI MI Yes/No Yes/No/NA
Napl Sodium in mmol/L Numeric Value: 0 to 300
NDIP CMCC NDI Pain number Numeric Value: 0 to 300
NDIS CMCC NDI Score number Numeric Value: 0 to 300
NOSK Number of Cigarettes per day Cigarettes per day Numeric Value: 0 to 300
NOVS Need for nocturnal ventilated support Yes/No Yes/No/NA
NtrC Diet/Nutrition Counseling Given Yes/No Yes/No/NA
NYHA NYHA Functional Capacity Classification NYHA Class I-IV NYHA Class I-IV
OSWP Oswestry BDI Pain number Numeric Value: 0 to 300
OSWS Oswestry BDI Score number Numeric Value: 0 to 300
OTCO Other Concerns Yes/No Yes/No/NA
OthC Other Counseling Given Yes/No Yes/No/NA
OUTR Outside Spirometry Referral Yes/No Yes/No/NA
P Para Para Numeric Value: 0 to 50
PANE Painful Neuropathy Present Yes/No/NA
PAPF Pap Recall Patient Contacted by Letter or Phone No Validations
PEDE Pitting Edema Yes/No Yes/No/NA
PEFR PEFR value NULL Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PHIN Pharmacological Intolerance Yes/No Yes/No/NA
PIDU Previous Intravenous Drug Use Yes/No Yes/No/NA
PPD PPD Yes/No Yes/No/NA
PRRF Pulmonary Rehabilitation Referral Yes/No Yes/No/NA
PSPA Patient Sets physical Activity Goal Yes/No Yes/No/NA
PSSC Psychosocial Screening Yes/No Yes/No/NA
PsyC Psychosocial Counseling Given Yes/No Yes/No/NA
PVD PVD Yes/No Yes/No/NA
QDSH QuickDASH Score number Numeric Value: 0 to 300
RABG Recommend ABG Yes/No Yes/No/NA
REBG Review Blood Glucose Records Reviewed Yes/No/NA
RESP RR Breaths per minute Numeric Value: 0 to 100
RETI Retinopathy Discussed Yes/No/NA
RPHR Review PHR Yes/No Yes/No/NA
RPPT Review Pathophysiology, Prognosis, Treatment with ... Yes/No Yes/No/NA
RVTN Revascularization Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SCR Serum Creatinine in umol/L Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
SEXF Sexual Function Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SKST Smoking Status Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SMBG Self monitoring BG Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SmCC Smoking Cessation Counseling Given Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SMCD Self Management Challenges Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SMCP Smoking Cessation Program NULL No Validations
SMCS Smoking Cessation Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SMK Smoking Yes/No/X Yes/No/X
SmkA Smoking Advice Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SmkC Cigarette Smoking Cessation Date last quit (yyyy-MM-dd) Date
SmkD Daily Packs fraction or integer No Validations
SmkF Smoking Followup Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SmkP Cigarette Smoking History [Cum. pack yrs 0-110] Numeric Value: 0 to 300
SmkS Cigarette Smoking Status [cig/day 0-80] Numeric Value: 0 to 100
SODI Salt Intake ON Low Sodium Diet Yes/No/NA
SOHF Symptoms of Heart Failure Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SPIR Spirometry NULL Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
SSEX Practicing Safe Sex Yes/No Yes/No/NA
STRE Stress Testing Yes/No Yes/No/NA
StSc Stress Screen Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SUAB Substance Use Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SUO2 Need for supplemental oxygen Yes/No Yes/No/NA
TCHD TC/HDL monitor every 1-3 year Numeric Value: 0 to 50
TCHL Total Cholestorol in mmol/L (nn.n) Range:2.0-12.0 Numeric Value: 0 to 10
TEMP Temp degrees celcius Numeric Value: 0 to 50
TG TG monitor every 1-3 year Numeric Value: 0 to 50
TOXP Toxoplasma IgG Positive Yes/No/NA
TRIG Triglycerides in mmol/L (nn.n) Range:0.0-12.0 Numeric Value: 0 to 50
TSH TSH NULL Numeric Value: 0 to 100
TUG Timed Up and Go Number of Seconds Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
UAIP UPDATE AIDS defining illness in PMH Changed Yes/No/NA
UALB Urine alb: creat ratio in mg/mmol (nnn.n) Rnage:0-100 Interval:12mo. Numeric Value: 0 to 100
UDUS UPDATE Drug Use Changed Yes/No/NA
UHTP UPDATE HIV Test History in PMH Changed Yes/No/NA
URBH UPDATE Risk Behaviours Changed Yes/No/NA
USSH UPDATE Sexual Identity in Social History Changed Yes/No/NA
VB12 Vit B12 Range >0 pmol/l Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
VDRL VDRL Positive Yes/No/NA
VLOA Viral Load in x10e9/L Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
WAIS Waist Waist Circum in cm Numeric Value: 0 to 300
WHR Waist:Hip Range:0.5-2 Interval:3mo. Numeric Value: 0 to 10
WT WT in kg Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ALB Albumin in g per litre Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ALP Alk Phos in units per litre Numeric Value: 0 to 300
BILC Bili conj in mmol per litre Numeric Value: 0 to 300
BILT Bilirubin in mmol per litre Numeric Value: 0 to 300
BILU Bili unconj in mmol per litre Numeric Value: 0 to 300
CK CK in units per litre Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
Clpl Cl in mmol per litre Numeric Value: 0 to 300
UA Urate in mmol per litre Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ALC Alcohol Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ALPA Asthma Limits Physical Activity Yes/No/X Yes/No/X
BP BP sitting position Blood Pressure
DMSM Diabetes Self Management Goals Yes/No Yes/No/NA
POSK Packs of Cigarettes per day Packs per day Numeric Value: 0 to 50
KEEL Keele Score null Numeric Value: 0 to 10
PSQS PSQ3 Sleep Score null Numeric Value: 0 to 300
PTSD PC PTSD Trauma Score null Numeric Value: 0 to 10
PHQS PHQ4 Depression Anxiety Score null Numeric Value: 0 to 50
DNFS DN4 Questionnaire null Numeric Value: 0 to 10
NERF Neuropathic Features? null Yes/No/Maybe
BPI Brief Pain Index -Short Form null Numeric Value: 0 to 300
BPII BPI Pain Interference null Numeric Value: 0 to 10
BPIS BPI Pain Severity null Numeric Value: 0 to 10
IBPL Income below poverty line Yes/No Yes/No/NA
FAS Folic Acid supplementation Yes/No Yes/No/NA
COGA Cognitive Assessment Yes/No Yes/No/NA
HPNP Hearing protection/Noise control programs Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SBLT Seat belts Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SDET Smoke detector that works Yes/No Yes/No/NA
SUNP Sun protection Yes/No Yes/No/NA
BTFP Brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste Yes/No Yes/No/NA
FLOS Floss Yes/No Yes/No/NA
DILY Dentist in the last year Yes/No Yes/No/NA
ABO Blood Group Blood Type No Validations
AFP AFP ug/L Range under 7 Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ALB Albumin g/L Range 35-50 Numeric Value: 0 to 300
ALP ALP U/L Range 50-300 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ANA ANA result pos or neg
APOB APO B g/L Range 0.5-1.2 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
BILI Bilirubin umol/L Range under 20 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
BUN BUN mmol/L Range 2-9 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
Clpl Chloride mmol/L Range 98-106 Numeric Value: 0 to 300
CK CK U/L Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CRP CRP mg/L Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CA Calcium mmol/L Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
C125 CA 125 kU/L Range under 36 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
C153 CA 15-3 kU/L Range under 23 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
C199 CA 19-9 kU/L Range under 27 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CEA CEA umol/L Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CHLM CHLM test result pos or neg
C3 C3 umol/L Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CMBS Coombs test result pos or neg
DIG Digoxin nmol/L Range 1-2.6 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
DIL Dilantin umol/L Range 40-80 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ENA ENA result No Validations
ESR ESR mm/h Range under 20 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
Fer Ferritin ug/L Range 15-180 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FIT FIT result pos or neg
FOBT FOBT result pos or neg
FT3 FT3 pmol/L Range 4-8 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FT4 FT4 pmol/L Range 11-22 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
GBS GBS test result pos or neg
GC Gonococcus test result pos or neg
GGT GGT U/L Range 10-58 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
GCT 50g Glucose Challenge mmol/L Range under 7.8 Numeric Value: 0 to 100
GT1 75g OGTT 1h mmol/L Range under 10.6 Numeric Value: 0 to 100
GT2 75g OGTT 2h mmol/L Range under 9 Numeric Value: 0 to 100
HCO3 Bicarbonate mmol/L Range 20-29 Numeric Value: 0 to 100
HBEB AntiHBeAg result pos or neg
HBEG HBeAg result pos or neg
HBVD HBV DNA result pos or neg
HPYL H Pylori result pos or neg
LITH Lithium mmol/L Range 0.6-0.8 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
MG Mg mmol/L Range 0.7-1.2 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
MCV MCV fL Range 82-98 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PB19 Parvovirus result No Validations
PHOS Phosphate mmol/L Range 0.8-1.4 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PLT Platelets x10 9/L Range 150-400 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PROT Protein g/L Range 60-80 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PSA PSA ug/L Range under 5 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
iPTH iPTH pmol/L Range 1-6 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
RF RF result pos or neg
Rh Rh result No Validations
RUB Rubella titre No Validations
TSAT Transferrin Saturation percent Range 20-50 Numeric Value: 0 to 100
URIC Uric Acid umol/L Range 230-530 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
VZV Zoster result pos or neg
WBC WBC x10 9/L Range 4-11 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
OPAE Opioid Adverse Effects null pos or neg
OPAB Opioid Aberrant Behaviour null pos or neg
OPUS Opioid Urine Drug Screen null pos or neg
DMOE Daily Morphine Equivalent null No Validations
02SA Oxygen Saturation
Numeric Value: 0 to 100
ORSK Opioid Risk
Numeric Value: 0 to 50
ECHK Do you have your eyes regularly checked?
HCON Do you have any hearing concerns?
BTFT Brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste
HCVA HCV Antibody Positive Yes/No
HCGA Geno Sub Type A,B,C ABC
CIRR Cirrhosis Present Yes/No
FIBM Fibrosis stage
Numeric Value: 0 to 100
FIBS Fibroscan Score
Numeric Value: 0 to 4
Numeric Value: 0 to 20
Numeric Value: 0 to 10
USND Ultrasound Completed Yes/No
HCPC Hep C Pharmacare Criteria Criteria Met Yes/No
HAIM Hepatitis A immunity Immune Yes/No
HBIM Hepatitis B immunity Immune Yes/No
NEUT Neutrophils
Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HIV HIV Yes/No Yes/No
HEPB Hepatitis B Yes/No Yes/No
AUDI Alcohol Use Disorder Yes/No Yes/No
OUDI Opioid Use Disorder Yes/No Yes/No
SUDI Substance Use Disorder Yes/No Yes/No
STDI Stimulant Use Disorder Yes/No Yes/No
TUDI Tobacco Use Disorder Yes/No Yes/No
PSUP Peer Support Yes/No Yes/No
BARR Barriers to care Yes/No Yes/No
DINC Drug Interaction Check Yes/No Yes/No
UMS Urinary Microalbumin Screen Records the value of the Urinary Microalbumin test... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1BF FEV1 (before puff) Forced Expiratory Volume: the volume of air that h... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FVCBF FVC (before puff) Forced Vital Capacity: the volume of air that has ... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PCBF FEV1% (before puff) The ratio of FEV1 to FVC calculated for the patien... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PRE FEV1 predicted The FEV1 calculated in the population with similar... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FVCPRE FVC predicted Forced Vital Capacity predicted: calculated in the... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PCPRE FEV1% predicted The ratio of FEV1 predicted to FVC predicted, calc... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PCOFPREBF FEV1% of predicted (before puff) FEV1% (before puff) of the patient divided by the ... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FVCRTBF FVC ratio (before puff) FVC actual (before puff) / FVC predicted Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1FVCRTBF FEV1 / FVC ratio (before puff) FEV1 / FVC (before puff) actual divided by FEV1 / ... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PEFRBF PEF personal (before puff) Peak Expiratory Flow: the maximal flow (or speed) ... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1AFT FEV1 (after puff) Forced Expiratory Volume: the volume of air that h... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FVCAFT FVC (after puff) Forced Vital Capacity: the volume of air that has ... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PCAFT FEV1% (after puff) The ratio of FEV1 to FVC calculated for the patien... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1PCOFPREAFT FEV1% of predicted (after puff) FEV1% (after puff) of the patient divided by the a... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FVCRTAFT FVC ratio (after puff) FVC actual (after puff) / FVC predicted Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
FEV1FVCRTAFT FEV1 / FVC ratio (after puff) FEV1 / FVC (after puff) actual divided by FEV1 / F... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
PEFRAFT PEF personal (after puff) Peak Expiratory Flow: the maximal flow (or speed) ... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ANELV Asthma: # Of Exacerbations Requiring Clinical Eval... The number of exacerbations since the last assessm... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CNOLE COPD: # of Exacerbations since last assessment The number of exacerbations due to COPD since last... Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
WHE Wheezing Records whether the patient is wheezing or not Yes/No
HFMR HF Medication Review Records whether medication adherence for Heart Fai... Yes/No
ASWAN Asthma # of School Work Absence Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0 Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSFT Heart Failure Symptom: Fatigue Frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSDZ Heart Failure Symptom: Dizziness Frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSSC Heart Failure Symptom: Syncope Frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSDE Heart Failure Symptom: Dyspnea on Exertion Frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSDR Heart Failure Symptom: Dyspnea at Rest Frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSON Heart Failure Symptom: Orthopnea Frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
HFSDP Heart Failure Symptom: Paroxysmal Nocturnal Dyspne... Frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
SPIRT Spirometry Test Yes or none Yes
COPDC COPD Classification COPD Classification COPD Classification
RABG2 Recommend ABG Yes/Not Applicable Yes/Not Applicable
EPR2 Exacerbation plan in place Provided/Revised/Reviewed Provided/Revised/Reviewed
ACOSY Cough frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ACTSY Chest tightness frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
ADYSY Dyspnea frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
AWHSY Wheeze frequency/week Numeric Value greater than or equal to 0
CTDPW Chest tightness (days/week) days/week Integer: 0 to 7
DYDPW Dyspnea (days/week) days/week Integer: 0 to 7
WHDPW Wheeze (days/week) days/week Integer: 0 to 7
COPDC COPD Classification Mild/Moderate/Severe/Very Severe COPD Classification
ACOSY Cough (days/week) days/week Integer: 0 to 7
ACTSY Chest tightness (days/week) days/week Integer: 0 to 7
ADYSY Dyspnea (days/week) days/week Integer: 0 to 7
AWHSY Wheeze (days/week) days/week Integer: 0 to 7

To get the entire history of values for a measurement you will need to add the following javascript which will load a given measurement "measure" into two javascript variables measureArray and measureDateArray. 

<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">

var measureArray=[];
var measureDateArray=[];

function getMeasures(measure) {
	xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
	var pathArray = window.location.pathname.split( '/' );
	var newURL = window.location.protocol + "//" + +"/"+pathArray[1]+"/oscarEncounter/oscarMeasurements/"+measure;
		if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){
			var str=xmlhttp.responseText; //local variable
			if (!str) { return; }
			var myRe = /<td width="10">([\d,\.]+)<\/td>/g;  //for the measurement
			var myArray;
			var i=0;
			while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null){

			var myRe = /<td width="150">([0-9,-]+)<\/td>\s*<td width="150">/g;  //the first date is the observation date
			var myArray;
			var i=0;
			while ((myArray = myRe.exec(str)) !== null){


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