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2.4.2 eForm Magic part C - Programming

List of eForm programming tips with javascript examples and links to eForms that use these features.

Note: Search using the Eform title in case the eForm gets moved from the beta section
coming soon...  placeholder for titles right now...


Fields: X boxes, Black Boxes, Styling for X boxes,  Radio X boxes


Graphics / Drawing



Links: hyperlinks, unseen hyperlinks, email links




OscarOpen, OscarOpen pdfs that are stored as pdf.bmp in the image library

Multi-Page eForm with Handouts and links to other eForms

'Heartwood Referral Forms 2017' for The Division of Family Practice in Chilliwack

The handouts have to be saved to the image folder as "image.pdf.bmp" . Once the form has been zipped it will place the images in the folder automatically, but when first creating the form this renaming has to be done manually.


Push and pull measurements.  This is already covered in eForm Magic Part B


Write to encounter pane.


Automating entry

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