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Private Billing in OSCAR BC

Step by step on billing, creating 3rd party invoices and applying payments to Private Billing through OSCAR

How to Create Private Billing With OSCAR

Although fee codes for private services such as forms etc. have been suggested through the BCMA, many offices choose to set codes that best suit their demographics/and or location. OSCAR allows for practices to set the fee codes as determined by their needs. Currently, there is not a facility through OSCAR billing to change a price “on the fly”. Therefore, it is useful to create billing codes which can be used for sale incrementally; charge in units. IE – set a fee code of $10 and sell 2.5 units to incur a fee of $25 to a patient or insurer.


Creating private billing codes

    1. Click Admin

    2. Click Manage Private Bill

    3. Click Add code

    4. Enter service code (Either numbers or letters as your choice. A is automatically added, as this is how OSCAR differentiates private fee codes.)

    5. Enter Description as you wish it to appear on the invoice.

    6. Enter Price

    7. Click Add


Creating a private billing sheet

  1. Click Admin

  2. Click Manage billing Form

  3. Create a Private billing form with the abbreviation PRI. Give it a description such as Private Billing

  4. Next Access this newly created billing sheet – Manage the billing form

  5. Click the Radio button for Service Codes.


Pop up window with three columns with two sections each will display. Enter codes into the first section of each column as detailed above with other billing sheets. All private codes must be prefixed with the letter A, and care should be taken to enter the service code on the form, exactly as it was created.. Any codes billed privately for can be entered in these columns. Sort into columns, and determine the order of service codes by itemizing with the number 1-20 in the second column.


Action – Billing Privately

  1. If billing from day sheet click on B. If not search patient and click on the demographic ID and choose create invoice.

  2. Click on down arrow beside Billing type and choose private. This should result in the Private billing form created in ADMIN to display

  3. Choose physician, date of service and service location.

  4. Click on appropriate fee code and units if applicable.

  5. Enter in diagnostic code (Administrative billings can often be assigned a billing code which denotes that the visit was not for purely medical purposes. Search Admin in the billing code field)

  6. Click Continue

  7. Click on Save & Print Receipt or any of the 5 button options of Go Back, Another Bill, Save Bill and Cancel.


Creating Third Party Insurers

  1. Follow steps 1-7 to bill privately

  2. Click on Save & Print Receipt

  3. An invoice will display, allowing the option to bill to a party other than the patient.

  4. Click on add/edit address

  5. Type in Company name exactly how it will be shown on invoice and click search. (You must search every time you are entering in a new insurer, or it will not save)

  6. Enter in Insurer information and click save

  7. This will bring you back to your invoice where you must click search again to add the recently added “supplier”.

  8. Enter in company name you are billing, and as long as it has been added to the database, it will populate the invoice with an address etc.

  9. Click on update invoice

  10. To print and mail – click print!


NB - Once insurers are entered into system they can be searched by telephone number, postal code or name.

It is recognized by OSCAR development that printing private invoices in OSCAR is problematic. If the invoice is accessed at any time other than at the point of creation, the invoice will print each separate line item on a new invoice. Please see the OSCAR Billing wishlist at This problem will be rectified in an update to be coming in the near future.

Receiving Payments on Private Billings

Once a private bill has been created payment may be applied at the time of invoice, or at a later date. If the invoice is to be sent in the mail to a third party, this will create an accounts receivable within OSCAR and will display in the accounting reports.


Accepting Payment at time of Invoice

Once the invoice has been created following the steps above, payment can be accepted prior to printing the invoice. Click in Receive Payment.

  1. Apply the amount owing on the invoice, or the amount paid as applicable.

  2. Enter the form of payment (Cash, Cheque, Credit card)

  3. Print the invoice.

  4. Apply payment to the invoice; noting that this payment will be reflected in the payments and refunds(cash) report for this date.

Receiving payment on Accounts Receivable

  1. Search for the patient demographic

  2. Click on Billing History

  3. On the Left end of the Billing Display, note the invoice number associated with the private invoice.

  4. Click on the invoice number, displaying the relevant invoice, then click VIEW Invoice in the top left.

  5. Apply payment to the invoice; noting that this payment will be reflected in the payments and refunds(cash) report for this date.


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