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Maximizing Billing with Links

A step by step instruction on linking service codes to diagnosis, and service codes to tray fees to ensure fees are not missed

Link Service Codes with Procedures

– most offices will find that linking certain extras or procedures will ensure that billing is maximized. As an example, billing 14560 can be linked with 00044 (mini tray fee) so that the mini tray fee is not forgotten during the billing process – it will automatically be posted when 14560 is picked.

  1. Click on the ADMIN tab

  2. Choose Manage Procedures/Fee Code Associations

  3. Enter in the Service code you with to associate with a procedure. If you are unsure of the service code you can enter in some text or numbers from the code and search the data base of service codes

  4. Press Tab to move to the following row, and enter in the tray fee code, or search the data base by entering in text or numbers

  5. Save the association.

Once this is complete, when the service code is chosen during billing, the associated procedure fee, or tray fee will automatically be picked as well.


Service Codes Linked to Diagnostics

– can be created as well through the Admin Page of OSCAR for service codes which are always associated with a particular diagnosis. An example – 14560 can be linked to the diagnosis V762 or service code 14050 is linked to 250.

  1. Click on the ADMIN tab

  2. Choose Manage Procedure/Fee Code Associations

  3. Enter the Service Code into the first box, and the ICD9 code into the second box

  4. Click Save association.

The diagnostic (ICD9) will automatically be entered during billing, when the service code is picked.

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