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Creating Billing Sheets in BC billing

Step by Step instruction on how to create clinic or provider specific billing sheets

Set a billing screen in OSCAR that reflects the most commonly used service codes to provide ease of access.

  1. Click on the ADMIN tab

  2. Choose the option under the Billing Category, Manage Billing Form

  3. To amend the General Practice billing form, choose it from the pop-down menu, click the radio button for service code and then click Manage

  4. Enter in the service codes most often used in your clinic into the boxes listed.
    (Note – OSCAR will choose codes from column 1 which are relative to the patient's age – do not change the codes in this column or typical billings for 00100 etc will not display.) The numbers displayed on the right will determine the order that the service code will display on your billing sheet with the exception of those in column one.

  5. Once you have entered all the codes click UPDATE on the bottom left of the screen.

Manage billing forms


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