Personal tools

Rourke Record

Tracking the baby’s development up to five years of age.

Note: The Rourke form is copyright and is only included in Oscar under licence.  Your OSP can install the form for most Canadian users under this licence.

Instructions for Use

  1. Fill in the form for the week of the visit
  2. Click the SAVE button after you have made changes
  3. Once you have entered the first data with head circumference, weight and height (ALL METRIC MEASUREMENTS) the program will calculate the graph.
  4. GRAPH LINK: only appears at the top of the form AFTER you have entered and saved the initial height, weight and circumference of head information. The graph will plot the child’s (length vs. age, weight vs. age) and (head circumference vs. age, length vs. weight)
  5. Hot links give you the description of each topic that was previously on the back of the form
  6. Risk areas are highlighted dynamically in orange when applicable
11x Rourke 2009 page 1



Unlike the determination of obesity and overweight for adults, growth charts are the main evaluative tool used to determine childhood overweight. 

The WHO charts are also useful in detecting patients who are not thriving due to any number of causes as they fall off the percentiles.

Normal: >5th - <85th percentile
Risk for overweight: >85th - <95th percentile
Overweight: & higher than 95th percentile

 Infant Girl WHO Growth Chart




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