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1.2.3 Appointment Screen Tabs

Describes each of the tabs available when using OSCAR.

Today Month Resources Search Report Billing Inbox Msg Con Pref eDoc Tickler Courses Admin

Note: The tabs showing will depend on the privileges of who is logged in and how Oscar is configured

Today Tab

This tab quickly takes the screen back to today's date.

schedule view

Month Tab

This tab allows you to see the whole month at a glance and see which doctor is working on specific days.

Month View

Resource Tab

OscarResource is a web-based clinical resource database that is maintained by contributors from across the country.  It contains links to websites that are relevant to actual clinical practice, and is constantly being updated with the latest information on medicine and other relevant topics.

Search Tab

The Search Tab is used to search the database for a specific patient’s Master Demographic record to perform many office functions, including booking an appointment. See Making Appointments

Report Tab

This tab gives you access to various common reports used in a medical office. Active Patient List, Day Sheet, All Appointments, Bad Appointment Sheet, Patient Chart List, No Show Appointment List.  See Report Tab

Billing Tab

Reports can be created on appointments that fall under one of the following categories: billed, unbilled, unsettled, OB, or Flu. See Billing Tab

Inbox Tab

The Inbox tab turns red with a superscript of the number of new documents and reports.  Clicking it gives you a list of all new lab reports and documents sent to the clinic for your patients. Once you have read a lab, you can click "Acknowledge" to remove the lab from the list, and in turn this decreases the superscript count.  The acknowledged labs can still be viewed, from the patient's e-chart.  There is also a red asterisk that appears on the lab tab for unclaimed reports, in other words reports that were not specified for a particular doctor.  All doctors have access to these labs, and anyone can acknowledge them.  See inbox


OSCARmsg is a secure messaging system within the intranet of the OSCAR clinic and between OSCAR clinic sites. The functions work like many common e-mail programs, but unlike them is secure and encrypted. See Messager

Con Tab

From the "con" tab, the staff booking specialist appointments can pick up the request and process through each step. Both doctor and staff can check the status of the task, from waiting for the specialist to call back, waiting for the patient to call back and completion of the task.  See Consults

Preference Tab

The Preference Tab gives you the following options: Change your password, change the start and end time showing on the appointment screen, or edit or add a group.  See User Preferences

eDoc Tab

This is the storage holding area for eDocs that you can use for your favorite patient handouts, keep your current contact list or the latest ON-CALL schedule.  See eDocs

Tickler Tab

Tickler is a system is used to remind staff to call or book a patient for a ‘repeat procedure’ as well as alerting staff of unpaid bills or any other important reminders.  The Tickler turns red with a superscript of the number of actions that are due for the logged in provider.   See Ticker Reminder System



Admin Tab

Only available for users who have a secondary admin role. See Administration

Document Actions