Personal tools Oscar Status

Administrative link to allow for checking and restarting OSCAR

Oscar Status

Access through Admin > Miscellaneous Admin > Oscar Status link

12 Oscar Status

- system health indicator with server and application restart features

- Server, slave, filesystem, memory, documents, and uptime statistics

- new for 12.1.1 Build ID: gives the GIT SHA-1 (only necessary to obtain the matching source code)

- Reboot OSCAR, restarts the OSCAR program.  You need a script that is looking for a file restartOscar.action with content 1 to be placed in the Tomcat temp directory to do the work.

- Reboot OSCAR server, reboots the server.  You need a script that is looking for a file rebootServer.action with content 1 to be placed in the Tomcat temp directory to do the work.

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