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OSCAR 9.6 User Manual

This user manual describes how to manage OSCAR functionality, for both administrators and end users. The manual also contains a section on the CAISI software system, where it is integrated with OSCAR, and how to use it.

  1. Introduction
  2. Access, Preferences, and Security
    1. Accessing OSCAR
    2. User Preferences
    3. Security
  3. The Appointment Screen
    1. Appointment Screen View
    2. Making Appointments
    3. Appointment Screen Tabs
    4. Waiting List
  4. Master Demographic Records
    1. Searching for a Patient
    2. Adding a new patient
    3. Working with Patient Detail Records
    4. Detail Record Menu Bar
  5. Electronic Medical Charts
    1. Accessing the Encounter Screen
    2. Patient Information Windows
    3. OSCAR Encounter Menu Bar
      1. Clinical Modules
      2. Forms
      3. oscarMessenger
      4. Encounter Templates
      5. Measurements
      6. Clinical Resources
      7. Internet Resources - Knowledge Search
  6. Billing
    1. Billing the Encounter
    2. The Process
    3. Pre-Invoice Functions
    4. Billing for Walk-In Flu Clinic
    5. INR Billing
    6. EDT Setup
    7. Invoicing OHIP
    8. Correcting Billing Errors
    9. Remittance Advice and Report
    10. Unsettled Invoice Reports
    11. Health Card Version Codes
    12. UHIP - WSIB & Refugee
  7. Prescription and Prevention
    1. OscarRX
      1. Access
      2. Patient Demographics and Preferences
      3. Patient Drug and Allergy Profiles
      4. Writing Prescriptions
    2. oscarPrevention
  8. Forms
    1. Forms Introductions and Directions
    2. Available Forms
      1. Alpha Form
      3. Antenatal Record 1 & 2
      4. Cost Questionnaire
      5. Growth Charts
      6. Home FAST
      7. Invoice Form
      8. Lab Requisition Forms
      9. Mental Health Forms
      10. Mini Mental State Exam
      11. Ovulation
      12. Palliative Care Patient Care Flowsheet
      13. Risk Assessment
      14. Rourke Record
      15. T2 Diabetes Form
      16. Two Minute Walk Test
  9. Reports
    1. Administration View: oscarReport
    2. Billing Tab
    3. Report Tab
      1. Report Tab Menu
      2. EDB LIST (Estimated Date of Birth)
      3. Active Patient List
      4. DAY SHEET
      6. Patient Chart List
      7. Old Patient List
      8. No Show Appointment List
      9. Consultation Report
      10. Laboratory Recquisition Report
      11. Demographic Report Tool
      12. Demographic Set Edit
      13. Prevention Report
      14. Demographic Study List
      15. Chronic Disease Management
      16. Waiting List
      17. Form Report
  10. Consults and Referrals
    1. Requesting a Consultation Appointment
    2. Booking the Specialist Appointment
    3. Edit Specialist Listing
  11. Communication
    1. oscarMessenger
    2. oscarComm
    3. Tickler Reminder System
  12. E-Documents and Forms
    1. Adding eDocuments
    2. Using eForms in a Patient's Chart
    3. Creating your own eForms
  13. OSCAR Resources
    1. Using OscarResource
    2. Contributing to the OscarResource Database
  14. Administration
    1. Accessing the Administrative View
    2. New User Setup
      1. Step 1 - Add a Provider Record
      2. Step 2 - Add a New User Group
      3. Step 3 - Preferences
      4. Step 4 - Set Up A Password
      5. Step 5 - Assign Roles to User
      6. Step 6 - Schedules
    3. Security Functions
    4. Billing Functions
    5. Base URL Settings
    6. Back up OSCAR Files to CD
    7. oscarReport
    8. E-Forms
    9. oscarEncounter
    10. Miscellaneous Admin Functions
    11. Adding New OSCAR Roles
  15. CAISI User Manuals
    1. CAISI User Guides
  16. Troubleshooting
  17. User FAQs
  18. OSCAR McMaster Help Videos

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